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Christian Kerez, 2000-2009 : [obras e projectos]
El croquis . - Madrid . - N. 145 (Out. 2009) . - ISSN0212-5633
Kerez, Christian, 1962-
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Swiss Re next
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Holcim Competence Centre
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Thermal Baths, Baden
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Art Gallery, Hamburg
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Werkbund Wiesenfeld Residential Estate
Kerez, Christian, 1962- House with a lake view
Kerez, Christian, 1962- House with one wall
Kerez, Christian, 1962- School building in Leutschenbach
Kerez, Christian, 1962- School building in Freudenberg
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Schoolhouse "Breiten"
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Apartment building on Forsterstrasse
Kerez, Christian, 1962- House in Zug
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Museum of Art, Liechenstein, Vaduz
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Schoolhouse "Salzmagazin"
Kerez, Christian, 1962- House in Vinheros
Kerez, Christian, 1962- House in Ilheos
Kerez, Christian, 1962- Oberrealta Chapel
Arquitectura -- Suíça -- Séc. 20-21
Arquitectura -- Projectos
Arquitectura -- Maquetas
72 Kerez, Christian
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