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Bruther : [Obras e projectos] 2012-2018
El croquis . - ISSN0212-5633 . - Madrid . - N. (V-2018), p. 32-260
Bruther (Firma de arquitectura)
Bruther - National Choreografic Centre of Tours
Bruther - National Centre for the Plastic Arts and Mobilier National Storage Facility
Bruther - Learning Centre in Lumière Lyon 2, University Campus
Bruther - Renovation of Galeries Lafayette, Pau
Bruther - Julie-Victoire Daubié Residence for researchers
Bruther - 14 Housing Units on Rue des Bergers
Bruther - Frame, Media House
Bruther - Isalab Buildings, Engineering School in Anglet
Bruther - Student Residence and reversible Car Park, Palaiseau
Bruther - New Life Science Building
Bruther - Renovation of a high-rise building, Paris
Bruther - New Museum of the 20th century, Berlin
Bruther - Multifunction socialcultural and Sports Facilty, Le Havre
Bruther - New generation Research Centre
Bruther - 60 Social dwellings, Merignac
Bruther - Super L., 160 housing units and one parking
Bruther - Good Life, Public Facility
Bruther - Central library, Helsinki
Bruther - Cultural and Sports Centre, Saint-Blaise
Bruther - 25 Housing units in Paris
Bruther - Low Carbon House
Arquitectura -- Séc. 21
72 Bruther
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