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 Este(s) autor(es) no 'Google books'
  • Dragadze, Peter
  • Chernyshev, Vladimir A.
  • Schulenburg, Fritz von der
     Este(s) autor(es) no 'Google scholar'
  • Dragadze, Peter
  • Chernyshev, Vladimir A.
  • Schulenburg, Fritz von der
    The empress goes west : Part I : how a splendid Russian show on Catherine the Great came to Tennessee, of all places / by Peter Dragadze. Part II : was the magnificent coronation carriage made for Catherine the Great or for someone else? / by Vladimir A. Chernyshev ; photographs by Fritz von der Schulenburg
    Dragadze, Peter; Chernyshev, Vladimir A., co-aut.; Schulenburg, Fritz von der, fotógr.
    The connoisseur . - ISSN0010-6275 . - London . - V. 221, N. 951, (Apr. 1991), p. 144-148, 166.
    Artes decorativas -- Rússia -- Colecções
    Colecções de arte -- Rússia -- Séc. 18
    Memphis (Tennessee, Estados Unidos) -- Exposições -- 1991
    061.4(73 Memphis)
    745(47 Rússia)"17"
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