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  • Santos, Luís Reis, 1898-1967
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  • Santos, Luís Reis, 1898-1967
    [Património Artístico Mundial : cursos de Arte] / [orient. científico] Luís Reis Santos
    Santos, Luís Reis, 1898-1967
    25 doc. ; várias dimensões
    PARTE DE: 
    Arquivo Luís Reis Santos / Luís Reis Santos [19--]-[1967]
    1 pasta "Património Artístico Mundial"; 1 guia "The Hispanic Society of America : Museum and Library / General information", New York, 1958; 1 cartaz "The Art of Holland and his relation to other Countries / Netherlands Institute for History of Arts" / Summer course 1950 (The Hague: August 1st to 21st); 7 folhetos "Netherlands Institute for History of Art / Summer course", The Hague: 1948, 1950-1951, 1954, 1958, 1960; 1 desdobrável e 8 brochuras "Institute of Fine Arts / New York University - Graduate School of Arts and Sciences", New York: 1944-1945, 1947-1955; 3 brochuras "Brussels Art Seminar / Cours internationaux de vacances... par la «Belgian American Educational Foundation, Inc.»... ", Bruxelles, 1953-1954. Anvers, 1955; correspondência (1 folheto "The History of Furniture from earliest times through the Nineteenth Century... by Robert C. Smith", February 18, 1959 to May 27, 1959 / Winterthur Museum; 1 convite "An invitation to Winterthur Museum", 1959, c/envelope; 1 folheto "Centro di Studi Pierro della Francesca / Sculture Lignee Antiche...", c/ envelope); recortes de imprensa periódica "Nazi loot loot Europe", "Life", January 10, 1944; "Os aliados salvam os tesouros da Europa" [s.n., s.l., s.d.]; "The famous Bache collection of paintings for the Metropolitan Museu of Art...", "The Illustrated London News", February 5, 1944; "German vandalism in Italy: the wanton destruction of many famous works of art", "The Illustrated London News", March 18, 1944; "U.S. Plans Invasion 'Baedeker' / Art Treasures Listed", "The Daily Mail", 6 May 1944; dactiloscritos "The Monuments, Fine Arts and Archives Subcomission", "From the evening standart. April 12th. 1944. / German fakers make copies of the looted old Masters / from D. A. Robertson", entre outros..., 1944; apontamentos. RS 184/1-RS 184/25
    . - Ms., dactiloscrito
    . - Referência à colecção: Bache collection (E.U.A)
    . - Título retirado da caixa original: Sem Título
    Smith, Robert C., 1912-1975
    Hispanic Society of America (Nova Iorque, Estados Unidos)
    Bélgica. Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique (Bruxelas)
    Fondazione Piero Della Francesca (Sansepolcro, Itália)
    Holanda. Rijksbureau voor Kunsthistorische Documentatie (Haia)
    Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum (Winterthur, Delaware, Estados Unidos)
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    RS 184.1-7 (285 MB)
    RS 184.9-25 (93 MB)
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